the nightkindred

for the kin of the night

i had an odd dream last night.  I was an anthropologist in a team who were investigating some strange place in south america.  I think we were trying to find / rescue a colleague who had been kidnapped by a strange tribe whilst searching for a wierd artifact.

It seems he had found a tribe that worshipped Cthuluh, and was in search of some rare artifact that was said to possess great power.

 We traveled across a swampy lake infested by aligators and other things.  there was a lot of hostile wildlife - huge cat like things stalking the land, and some strange large amphibious dog like creatures.

we also glimpsed in the darkness, sightings of fast moving humanoid beings that seemed like ybrids.  some part human, part dog, and some pale bipeds but with tentacle like appendages on their faces.

Our guide was extremely nervous and afraid of the tribe when we found them, and they did not seem like typical amazonians.  they certainly werren't pygmies - tall, this, and though it was hard to tell under the ceremonial paint they wore, they seemed dark skinned.  it was hard to tell, as it was late and very dark when we reached them.

This tribe seemed very primitive in most ways - though there were a few signs of acquired technology, and many stalls and artifacts gave the impression they traded with "civilisation" most of the lighting was by fire brands and oil lamps.

Our guide interpreted for us, and the fierce looking natives crowded round us, and urged us towards a large building of wood and stone.  it was uncertain as to whether we were being guided there, or led there as prisoners.

I was given a very odd lantern - it seemed to be a small wooden cage or box with a human head in it.  i say human - it was a little smaller than an average human head, and pale blue in colour.  it was not wrinkled or shrivelled like a shrunken head, but smooth and palid like a freshly killed person.  it also seemed to emit a sort of bluish phosphorescent glow - hence its use as a lantern.

I was reluctant to closely examine this grisly item, but as i reached the top of the wooden stairs to enter the building in search of our colleague, i saw a mirror with my reflection in it, and was horrified to see the head's eyes were open and appeared to be looking ahead.  as i gazed deeper into the reflection, i was shocked to see the eyes move side to side and up and down - it was alive!

I was concerned for th rest of the team, as it seemed more and more as though we were captives, but a couple of natives with spear-like weapons made it quite clear i had no choice but to move on.

I went through the door they gestured towards, which slammed firmy behind me.  I was in a narrow corridor that was lit only by my macabre lantern (which i now deduced was not just a lantern, but some form of divining object to seek out what i was looking for), and an erie orange glow from crude windows cut into doors.  there were several doors - three on my right, one on my left, and one at the end of the corridor.

the doors looked very heavy - either reinforced wood, or metal, and the small barred windows and spyholes gave the impression these rooms were cells of some kind.  i looked through the small window of the first door, and was not certain where the orange glow came from.  it seemed like the glow of a fire , but i could see no flames.  the creature inside may once have been human, but was now horribly mutated.  it was massive, even hunched over it was nearly seven feet tall, and possessed of great bulk.  it was naked, and the skin looked scarred and blistered by desease.  it also sprouted tentacles from various parts of its form - though not in any ordered way - just randomly.  I was grateful for the strength of the door, and had no intention of  opening it.  from what i could see, i think the orange glow was coming from the being itself.

I looked through the small spyhole of the next door, and though it was hard to make out anything clearly, it seemed as though a similar monster was incarcerated in there too.  Understanding crept into my brain - probably in some telepathic way via the head i carried.  these were former captives that had been mutated into these creatures by the tribe's houdans, using the device that had been provided to them by Cthuluh.  it mutated thir minds as well as their bodies, and these were servitors of cthuluh - beasts of utter chaos.  I had been given a choice - choose an empty cell and wait for them to do the same to me - or enter an already occupied cell as a willing sacrifice to one of the monsters.

i chose a third option.  I released one of the maddened creatures and hid behind the door of an empty cell whilst it made a bid for freedom.

in the confusion, i found the rest of the team and tried to escape the village..  at first, it seemed impossible.  the swamp was treacherously alive with all manner of dangerous creatures - both natural and unnatural, and the cthuluh worshippers were hot on our trail once they had recaptured the escaped mutant. 

yet somehow we did escape, and were able to get back to civilsation.  there we were met by our informant (who had refrained from joining us on the venture) and a couple of stiff looking men in dark grey suits.  our informant told us in confidense tese were CIA agents, who were aware of the Cthuluh cult here, but as the united states has no jurisdiction in that country, could not do anything - hence the clandestine meeting ith us.  relationships between USA and the government of this country (I dont actually know what country that was) were strained to say the least, and they did not want a diplomatic incident.  However, their mission was to find out what they could, and put a stop to it if it was deemed a threat.  As not all our team escaped, we agreed to help the CIA men get in and attempt a rescue - so we returned, but via a "secret" route that our informant had learned of.

The informant got us into the tribes community, and we gathered in a disused hut / wooden house to discuss our plan.  it seemed to me that our informant appeared a little too at ease, and then discovered why.  a chjange seemed to come about him - he stiffened, walked to the door, and  in a soft yet deep voice cried out "they are here my master".  

Suddenly i saw him differently - encased in sone strange wooden contraption like a box for a few seconds.  i realised that my exposure to either the divining head or the unearthly creatures in the cells had given me some sort of second sight, and i was seeing what they had done to him.  His mind had been turned and enslaved, just as the poor creatures in the cells.  all along he had been controlled like a puppet.

We had been but pawns - the target they really wanted was the CIA agents - by exposing them to the soul eating device, they could turn them into agents of Cthuluh, and infiltrate the highest levels of American government, therefore enabling the cult of Cthuluh to rule the world.

I cant recall much after that - i soon woke up.

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